- Mountain Home Junior High
- Cross Country
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Cross Country
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2024 Cross Country--- Cross Country will start practice on August 12th. Practice is Monday-Friday at EastSide Park. Grades 6th -8th may participate.
Thanks for a great season!- Practices are held every weekday starting at 3:10 at East Side Park. There is no transportation provided from the school to the park. Typically, athletes walk there together. There will not be practice on Labor Day.
- Practices will end by 4:15 - 4:30. Please arrange to be picked up at that time.
- Athletes should come to practice prepared with water and dressed ready to run.
- Physicals must be turned in before an athlete can participate in a running workout. However, the practices can still be attended and counted. A physical turned in to the school from a previous year or sport is still good for this year - Parents also need to complete any required forms on the PowerSchool website before an athlete can participate.
- 10 practices are required before an athlete can participate in a meet.
- NOTE: Some meets are not held at the host school’s grounds. A map and directions to the meets will be provided a couple of days in advance. Meets are typically scheduled to begin sometime between 4:00pm & 4:30pm and consist of 4 separate races. The girls junior varsity race is typically first, followed by boys junior varsity, girls varsity, and boys varsity. All races are 3K.
- Athletes will be picked up at their school for meets and dropped off at the Junior High upon return.
*Athletes may ride home with parents from a meet after it is over if the parent checks them out with a coach. If athletes need
to ride home with another family member or friend, permission must be obtained in advance from the Junior High office. - Practice workouts will be adjusted to individual athletes based upon their ability and improvement throughout the season. We will work toward an initial target time of 17.5 minutes for boys and 18.75 minutes for girls running 3 kilometers (approx.. 7.5 laps on the track). After the first couple weeks of practice, athletes will be organized into 3 groups:
- A-Team – Those that have achieved the initial target time and finish among the top 7 boys or top 7 girls on the team. The top 7 on the A-Team will run the Varsity races (3K). They will be given more challenging workouts including road routes.
- B-Team – Those that have achieved the initial target time. The B-Team will run in the Junior Varsity races. They can make the A-Team anytime throughout the season by achieving a faster time than someone on the A-Team - so, some runners may be moved between Varsity and JV from week to week. The B-Team will be given workouts designed to focus on their improvement, including road routes.
- C-Team – Developing runners that are working toward meeting the initial target time. They will focus on building endurance, pacing, and form. They will have an opportunity every week for a time trial to monitor their progress. Most of their workouts will be run at East Side Park. The C-Team will run in the Junior Varsity races.
- Coaches: Dan Young, MHHS Hannah Modde, MHJH
School: 587-2570 School: 587-2590
Cell: 599-0796 Email: modde_hc@mtnhomesd.org - Email: young_db@mtnhomesd.org
- Practices are held every weekday starting at 3:10 at East Side Park. There is no transportation provided from the school to the park. Typically, athletes walk there together. There will not be practice on Labor Day.